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Andreas Vural

Meet Andreas Vural, founder of Happy Plugs. He talks about the highs and lows behind developing the world’s most Instagrammable headphones – now available in 10.000+ retailers in over 70 countries worldwide…

Tell us about your background pre Happy Plugs?

I grew up in a small village in the northern Sweden and moved to Stockholm after school. I moved through roles as an Art Director, creating the biggest social network (Pre-Facebook) in Sweden in addition to running a charity company.

It was the combination of my biggest passions: fashion, design and music, which is where the Happy Plugs concept came about, and it was love that set it all off.

How was Happy Plugs born?

Happy Plugs was born at the end of 2011 when I was looking for a pair of pink headphones for my girlfriend. When I didn’t have any luck, I took the matter into my own hands and painted a pair of headphones – and she loved them!

I then realised there was a gap in the market and that there was room for affordable headphones that went beyond functionality. From this belief, Happy Plugs was born. Today Happy Plugs is available at 10.000+ retailers in over 70 countries worldwide.

Happy Plugs
Photo: Happy Plugs

What’s your advice to any budding entrepreneurs?

I really think you need to visualise and dream as big as you possible can. Dreams + hard work = reality. I can’t tell you in life how many birthday’s I’ve missed. How many “best parties of the year” I didn’t make it to. How many times I was leaving my office while my friends were leaving the club. If you want something you need to be the hardest working person in the room.

You experienced a revenue growth of 688% in 3 years. What’s your secret?

Hard work, sacrifices while trying to have some fun in between – and of course timing, we’ve always had the right products at the right time.

Happy Plugs
Photo: Happy Plugs

You travelled for 300 days during 2016. What was that like?

A blessing. I’m so grateful being able to travel this miraculous planet and I’m so thankful for the people I meet, the places I’ve been and the things I’ve seen. And of course the people that I work with.

How do you de-stress after a hard days work?

That’s a hard one. We have offices on each continent so there is always something to be done or someone to talk to. But lately I’m trying to unwind with a 90 min walk around whichever city I am visiting with one of my favourite Spotify playlists and silver Happy Plugs earbuds.

Do you like to exercise? If so how?

Exercise is crucial for me. Without it, I can’t stay focussed. Happy Plugs is a bit like running a marathon. To keep my mind fresh I need to work out, every day. I start every morning around 7.30 by hitting the gym for 45 minutes.

Favourite bar/restaurant in London and Stockholm?

In London, I always lock myself in any of the Soho Houses. The greek/Turkish restaurant Mandolin is my favourite but lately I’ve become a big Ramen fan and Bone Daddies in Soho is my go-to.

When I get “home” my first restaurant visit is Riche, where I always order meatballs.

Happy Plugs is for…

The stylish woman who want their tech to be a little more then just tech. The idea is to turn mobile accessories into fashion must haves so you can match them with your outfit.

Where can we purchase?

Selfridges, Urban Outfitters, EE, Dixon or see the full selection online.

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