6 Apps That Will Make Your Life So Much Easier

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With every day looking more different than the next, it’s understandable to feel scared or overwhelmed by the pandemic our world is facing. Can we fast-forward to 2021 already? No. Can we focus on the things we can control? Yes. We’ve rounded up life changing apps that will help you manage everything from the cleanliness of your beauty bag to finances…

For fighting food waste: Too Good To Go

Providing a solution for the food that goes to waste in shops and restaurants, Too Good To Go puts it in a so-called magic bag for you to pick up. Swipe through the app to see what you fancy, from sushi rolls to curries or a slice of cake, it’s all still perfectly edible, delicious and better yet, ready for grabs at a discounted price. Saving the planet one magic meal at a time. Due to COVID-19, they kindly ask that you swipe your order yourself when you collect your magic bag to limit the risk of contamination. 

For knowing your products: Think Dirty

As life changing apps go, this one is up there. A period of self-isolation is prime time to clean up your beauty act. Covering personal care products that you can scan as you shop, Think Dirty highlights the chemical content of each to help you make conscious choices. It’s not just a breakdown of unrecognisable ingredients (unless chemical scientist is your profession), but the app rates how harmful the products are for your health. If there’s ever a time to re-evaluate your skin-care routine, it’s now.

For plant-based recipes to cook at home: Deliciously Ella

After turning a blog into a business with a focus on all things plant-based, Ella Mills launched an app that packs it all into one platform. Besides a vast amount of recipes that is updated with more meals every week, the app is divided into useful categories depending on your craving, lets you add ingredients to your shopping list and provides tips for food swaps (perfect if you don’t have everything in your cupboard). For the whole Deliciously Ella lifestyle, there’s also a section for yoga and meditation.

For managing your finances: Monzo Business

The bank that makes your cash flow fun, Monzo has just launched its business bank accounts with some added perks beyond the usual saving pots and split-the-bill notifications. You can connect the app with accounting software such as Quickbooks, set a percentage of your income aside for tax and add people to manage your finances together – it’s a dream for both (aspiring) entrepreneurs and savvy savers.

For mindfulness of a different kind: Ten Percent Happier

If you still see mindfulness as a ritual reserved for hippies and housewives, the Ten Percent Happier app is for you. Founded by best-selling book author Dan Harris, it’s designed for fidgety sceptics, offering no-frills guided meditations that can be implemented anywhere (brushing your teeth will become your new calm), all with the same mission: getting that extra 10% percent of happiness.

For keeping work and social communication separate: Slack

Working from home brings in a whole new set of boundaries. No, I’m not talking about whether it’s acceptable to skip a shower or turn on daytime TV (bad ideas), but how to communicate with one another without going crazy. Meet Slack, your new go-to hub that shows all in-office meetings could actually be messages, with separate channels for each team and project. Because let’s face it, we can’t deal with another group chat on Whatsapp.

By Siobhan

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A city girl with a sweet tooth, Siobhan is a freelance journalist and social media strategist who creates content around food and travel. From living in New York to Amsterdam and now finally finding her feet in London, she spends her weekends searching for new desserts and tucked-away breakfast spots, capturing it all on her blog Hotspot Hunter.

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