Mindfulness in the Office

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Read tips from Sarah Drai, founder of Yogi2Me on how to practice mindfulness in the office…

The office is a place where stress can be prevalent and time can seem to pass quickly with endless tasks to complete and deadlines to meet.

These pressures can take a toll on your mind and cause anxiety to surface. Although mindfulness can assist you in many areas of your life, it can be a particularly powerful tool to utilise in the office.

Mindfulness can help you to stay focused, thereby better enabling you to avoid completing your days on autopilot, and helping you to be fully present during your day at the office.

It can also help to encourage a calm state of mind, which will better equip you to keep stress and anxiety at bay!

The following tips are simple but efficient ways to practice mindfulness in the office.

Start the Day

Taking ten minutes to prepare yourself for the day ahead before you actually begin working will boost your focus and make you less prone to distractions during your day.

You can do so by simply sitting upright at your desk, closing your eyes and paying full attention to your breathing as you inhale deeply in and out.

Let the sounds from the environment around you fade out of focus and concentrate only on yourself, your presence and connecting your physical body with your spiritual existence.

It is important that you take this time for yourself. Do not feel pressured to start with your tasks for the day until you feel completely prepared to do so!


Being aware of your breath, and breathing deeply in and out as you clear your mind, can help to refocus your mind and eradicate negative thoughts and feelings.

This is not only useful during the aforementioned process of starting your day, but is also a technique that can be called upon at any point during your day.

You may find it especially beneficial to return to your breathing after a stressful interaction with a co-worker. Or right before you begin a new task.

Appreciate Yourself

It’s easy to feel under-appreciated in the workplace. Expressing appreciation to yourself in a moment of mindfulness is a great way to reiterate your worth and to remind yourself of the value of your work.

Losing sight of the purpose of your contribution in the workplace will inevitably be a fast-track to a drop in productivity, and this isn’t good for you or your employer!

You can express appreciation to yourself anywhere and anytime with this mini-meditation practice. All you need to do is close your eyes, concentrate on your breathing and visualise just one positive thing you have achieved for the company. Or for your own personal career progression.

Try to relive this experience in your mind as accurately as possible. Then focus your mind on how this has been of benefit.

Compassionate Mindfulness

Incorporating these acts of mindfulness into your day will not only help you to become more relaxed and productive at work, but can also help you to be kinder and more compassionate to yourself.

You may find yourself asking why you need to be more compassionate to yourself. The answer here is that when you treat yourself with compassion, it thrives in other areas of your life also.

You will find that when you do so, kindness comes easier to those around you. To friends, to family and even to strangers. This kindness will soon be reflected in the way that people treat you. And this is something that we can all enjoy in the workplace!

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