New Moon in Pisces on March 10th, 2024: New Beginnings for All Zodiac Signs

Sarah Brownlee unveils the New Moon in Pisces on March 10th, 2024: a gateway to new beginnings 🌑✨ for every zodiac sign. What secrets and transformative journeys lie ahead?

The New Moon in Pisces has arrived and it brings with it one thing in particular: realization. With Saturn and Neptune also in Pisces, there is extraordinary potential for us to cut through the illusions, to make sense of everything we have been through, and to finally see whether we are following our heart’s desire or not.

In other words, this is a seriously powerful New Moon for new beginnings and fresh starts. It is a time for reconciliation and gratitude. 

It’s also Mother’s Day in the UK so happy blessings to all the lovely mothers out there!

All New Moons bring the potential for new beginnings but when it is in Pisces, we tap into the deep well of our emotions with even greater verve. This is a time of cleansing and renewal. It is a time when we realize who we truly are and we are being called to step into the role of our soul’s true calling

The shift will be different for everyone. Each sign represents an element – fire, water, air and earth. Find your zodiac’s horoscope below and see what magic this New Moon will bring you.

These horoscopes apply to both Sun and Rising Signs

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius ~ Fire

Huge breakthroughs are coming to you during this New Moon. Your heart is calling to you and aspects of your life which do not serve your soul’s purpose are slowly but surely drifting away. The change may seem subtle at first but intense realizations are imminent and will lead to extraordinary and satisfying things for you. You may have thought you knew the way forward, but prepare for change.

You are getting closer to your emotions under this New Moon and you are seeing things with greater clarity. Prepare for unexpected moments which will help cut through the illusions even more. The more you feel the power and intensity of your emotions, the more you are manifesting the path that is right for you.

Gemini, Libra, Aquarius ~ Air

A powerful transformation is taking place within you and this transition that you are going through is bringing you closer to your true path. This is a weekend for spending quality time with yourself, reflecting, journaling and making sense of the changes you are going through. Everything is falling into place.

You may not know the path ahead clearly, but your intuition is telling you that you are on the right one. The more you meditate and go within, the more you will find that power within you which is guiding you in the right direction. Trust is key. Above all, trusting in yourself.

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn ~ Earth

Your emotions are rising to the surface during this New Moon and you are being reminded of what truly matters. You have found yourself so immersed in the physical aspect of life that spiritually, you may have experienced some confusion. But it seems that these feelings that are now rising within are leading you to new conclusions and new experiences.

The impulse to get out there and embrace new adventures is likely to occur with more frequency in the coming future. Your relationships with others are also evolving and you are beginning to see things in a different light which will lead to greater satisfaction and joy. Go with the flow and try not to question too much. Everything is falling into place.

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces ~ Water

An especially powerful New Moon for you, your emotions are not just rising to the surface but they are undergoing intense transformations. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself doing a complete 180 degrees in regard to life, love, work or your daily habits. These impulses are not random. They are your soul calling to you as habits and thoughts that no longer serve you are slowly being filtered from your life.

A new way of thinking will yield powerful results and this energy will spread to others. You have a great ability to influence those around you. However, balance and joy within yourself must be a priority for when you are happy within yourself, this happiness with naturally spread to the world around you.