It’s been four years since we had our last leap year and unless you can’t tell by now, 2024 is set to be a dynamic year with all kinds of changes on both a personal and individual level.
In the Lunar Calendar, it is the Year of the Dragon. Dragon years are usually pretty dynamic just like the sign itself, but this year we have a major planetary movement that has taken place as Pluto has moved into Aquarius where it will stay for the next two decades.
Monumental shifts are on the way. Spiritual awakenings are happening all over the world. Structures are being broken down to make way for something new.
On this final day of February, we are asked to focus on something that too many of us simply don’t focus on: our own happiness. We are often so concerned with the perils of the world or the challenges we face that we forget to simply be happy, which is a fundamental reason for our existence.
So what guidance does the Tarot have for your sign on this special day?
Tarot Guidance For Your Zodiac Sign
Aries – 6 of Cups
It is time to reconnect with your inner child. Now is the time to go back to the beginning. This could be a truly emotional day for you so take some time today to unwind and don’t put too much on your shoulders. Embrace this energy for it brings nostalgia in the sweetest sense.
Taurus – 4 of Cups
If you’ve been feeling a little down in the dumps, this card encourages you to remember all the things that make you happy and the things that bring you joy. In what ways have you been forgetting yourself? Now brings the chance to go back to the beginning and release old emotions that are blocking you from your joy.
Gemini – The Sun
Joy is yours! Don’t let negative energy stand in your way. Turn your back on negativity. Keep your heart open and your mind soaring. When you choose to be happy, it will always be yours. Believe in yourself for big changes are coming to you.
Cancer – The Magician
This is a fantastic card for seeing things in a new light and embarking on new ventures. You have so much potential now and you are ready to work your magic. Only self-doubt stands in your way so don’t let it. Keep your thoughts focused on your inner fire – it is more powerful than ever.
Leo – Ace of Cups
Your feelings are spilling all over the place now. The more you focus on your emotional intent, the happier you will be. You need to get something off your chest so take some time to meditate and gather your emotions. A powerful conversation is on the way.
Virgo – The World
This is a fantastic card for you and brings great energy with it. Prepare for new opportunities and the potential for travel. An unexpected message may appear from someone you hadn’t thought would in touch. But it paves the way for big things and great experiences.
Libra – The Empress
You are really coming into your own personal power now and you are indeed becoming the wonderful being that is you. Your beauty is shining for all to see so don’t hide away. Let everyone see you for your light is one that shines far and wide.
Scorpio – 8 of Pentacles
Your hard work is paying off so keep at it. You have so much to be proud of. Thanks to your successes, the fruit of your hard work is on the way. Now is the time to treat yourself so push your worries to the side and let yourself have the happiness you deserve.
Sagittarius – The Star
Things are looking up now. It’s been a challenging time lately but things can only get better from here. Stay true to yourself and true to the callings of your heart. There are wonderful opportunities on the way for you so keep going with all that positive energy!
Capricorn – 10 of Cups
This is a wonderful card for embracing the home and those you love. Now is the time to express your feelings. Things are really falling into place for you so be sure to celebrate! There is no room for negative energy or negative thoughts under this wonderful energy.
Aquarius – King of Cups
There is a powerful sense of moving forward with your heart with this card. No matter what obstacles you face, when you are true to yourself and true to your inner being, you simply cannot go wrong. You will find tremendous satisfaction when you follow the calling of your true self. Your intuition will guide you there.
Pisces – 2 of Cups
An attraction is building and the potential for friendship or even something more is looming. If that special someone is already in your life, today brings the chance to really work with the energy of love and embrace the happiness you bring one another. Let the past go. Only the present matters.