The Meaning Of The Eight of Cups Tarot Card

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Eight of Cups Tarot Card

New to Tarot? Just pulled the Eight of Cups? If the introspective Eight of Cups was pulled out of your deck and you want to know what it means, keep reading!

The Eight of Cups is telling you to move on and let go! The Eight of Cups encourages us to see what’s beyond the horizon, where we’ve always been scared to go before. There’s nothing out there but your future, and you’re being called to go out and get it!

The Eight of Cups asks you to trust your instincts as you leave your comfort zone and walk away from what’s toxic in your life. For the Eight of Cups, it’s better to embrace the unknown alone than walk alongside someone who doesn’t have good intentions.

Want to know what else this card is wanting to share with you? Read on!

Key Facts

UprightAbandonment, travel, end of a relationship, letting go, moving on, closure
ReversedScared to move on, clinging, stagnancy, faking happiness, sticking around too long
Yes or NoNo
Astrological SignPisces
Key Facts: The Eight of Cups Tarot Card

Upright Meaning of The Eight of Cups

The upright position of the Eight of Cups reveals valuable insight into your innermost emotions and desires. When this card appears in a reading, it often indicates the need for personal growth and a longing to explore new horizons.

It encourages you to step out of your comfort zones and embark on a soul-searching journey.

As you venture into uncharted territory, the Eight of Cups reminds you that it’s okay to leave behind what no longer serves you. It prompts you to walk away from situations or relationships that hinder your personal growth and emotional well-being.

By embracing this energy, you give yourself the opportunity to discover a deeper sense of self and find fulfillment in new experiences. However, it’s important to remember that this card is more about personal growth than external circumstances.

Upright Love
Upright Career MeaningUpright Health Meaning
Walking away from a relationship that no longer serves youCareer changes or seeking a more fulfilling pathEmotional well-being and letting go of what no longer serves you

Love and Relationships – Upright, The Eight of Cups

In matters of love and relationships, the Upright Eight of Cups in tarot signifies a crucial moment of self-reflection and possible change.

If you’re in a relationship, this card may indicate a need to assess your emotional fulfillment and whether the relationship aligns with your true desires. You might feel the urge to explore your own needs and find a deeper sense of emotional connection.

The Eight of Cups can also represent the decision to leave behind a stagnant or unsatisfying relationship that no longer brings you joy. It calls for the courage to walk away from something familiar in pursuit of more profound emotional fulfillment.

Career and Work – Upright, The Eight of Cups

In the context of career and work, the Upright Eight of Cups in tarot indicates a significant moment of reassessment and potential change.

You may find yourself feeling unfulfilled or disconnected from your current job or career path. This card calls for introspection to understand whether your work aligns with your true passions and aspirations.

The Eight of Cups encourages you to have the courage to leave behind a job or career that no longer brings you joy or fulfillment. It may be time to explore new opportunities or take a leap of faith towards a more meaningful professional path.

Health and Wellness – Upright, The Eight of Cups

In matters of health and wellness, the Upright Eight of Cups in tarot suggests a crucial period of self-care and emotional healing.

This card encourages you to pay attention to your emotional well-being and address any unresolved issues that may be affecting your physical health.

The Eight of Cups invites you to take a step back from your usual routines and explore deeper emotional healing.

It may be time to let go of old patterns or habits that no longer serve your well-being. Consider seeking support from therapy or counseling to navigate through emotional challenges.

This card also urges you to listen to your body and be attuned to its needs. Incorporate self-care practices, such as meditation, exercise, or spending time in nature, to nurture your emotional and physical health.

Spiritual Context – Upright, The Eight of Cups

In the realm of spirituality, the Upright Eight of Cups in tarot signifies a profound soul-searching journey. This card invites you to explore your inner self and embrace a path of spiritual growth and enlightenment.

The Eight of Cups calls for a period of introspection and detachment from external distractions. It urges you to let go of attachments to material desires and seek a deeper connection with your spiritual essence.

Embrace this card as an opportunity to embark on a pilgrimage of self-discovery and inner transformation. It may be time to release old beliefs or habits that hinder your spiritual progress.

Reversed Meaning of The Eight of Cups

When the Eight of Cups appears reversed, its meaning shifts slightly. This card invites you to reflect on situations where you may be avoiding necessary change or clinging to familiar patterns.

It may indicate a fear of letting go or a hesitancy to step outside your comfort zone. The reversed Eight of Cups reminds you that in order to truly grow, you must release what no longer serves your highest good.

This card serves as a gentle nudge, urging you to have the courage to walk away from situations or relationships that no longer align with your values and aspirations. Embrace the unknown, and trust that by releasing the old you make space for the new.

Reversed Love MeaningReversed Career MeaningReversed Health Meaning
Reconnecting or returning to a past relationshipCareer stagnation or reluctance to changeEmotional resistance affecting health; be open to healing

Love and Relationships – Reversed, The Eight of Cups

In the context of love and relationships, the Reversed Eight of Cups in tarot suggests a time of emotional resistance and avoidance.

This card may indicate a reluctance to address underlying issues or a fear of confronting difficult emotions within a relationship.

The Reversed Eight of Cups advises you to be mindful of avoiding important conversations or walking away from a relationship without proper closure.

It is essential to communicate openly and honestly with your partner to resolve any conflicts or unmet needs.

This card also cautions against suppressing your emotions or neglecting self-care in relationships. Avoiding unresolved emotional challenges can lead to further disconnection and unhappiness.

Career and Work – Reversed, The Eight of Cups

In matters of career and work, the Reversed Eight of Cups in tarot suggests a feeling of stagnation and disconnection from your professional path. This card may indicate a reluctance to make necessary changes or take risks in your career.

The Reversed Eight of Cups advises you to be mindful of ignoring your true passions and settling for a job or career that does not bring you fulfillment.

It may be time to reassess your career goals and consider exploring new opportunities that align with your authentic self.

This card also warns against allowing fear or comfort to hold you back from pursuing your true calling. Avoiding necessary changes can lead to dissatisfaction and a lack of growth in your career.

Health and Wellness – Reversed, The Eight of Cups

In the realm of health and wellness, the Reversed Eight of Cups in tarot suggests a need for emotional healing and self-care.

This card may indicate a tendency to neglect your well-being or avoid addressing underlying emotional issues that impact your health.

The Reversed Eight of Cups advises you to be mindful of any emotional burdens or unresolved feelings that might be affecting your physical health.

It is essential to prioritize self-care and seek support if needed, such as counseling or therapy, to work through emotional challenges.

This card also warns against neglecting your body’s signals and avoiding necessary lifestyle changes. Ignoring your health needs can lead to further complications and hinder your overall well-being.

Spiritual Context – Reversed, The Eight of Cups

In the realm of spirituality, the Reversed Eight of Cups in tarot suggests a period of spiritual disconnection and resistance to inner growth.

This card may indicate a reluctance to embark on a journey of self-discovery or confront deep-seated spiritual issues.

The Reversed Eight of Cups advises you to be mindful of avoiding introspection and spiritual exploration. It may be time to let go of old beliefs or patterns that hinder your spiritual progress and open yourself to new possibilities.

This card also warns against suppressing your intuition or neglecting your spiritual practice. Ignoring your inner voice can lead to a sense of disconnection from your spiritual path.

The Eight of Cups: Yes or No

In tarot readings, The Eight of Cups doesn’t give a straightforward “yes” or “no” answer to your questions. Instead, it presents an opportunity for deeper contemplation.

The card suggests that the answer may lie in letting go of what no longer serves you or walking away from a situation that doesn’t bring emotional fulfillment.

If your question involves leaving behind the familiar to pursue something more aligned with your true desires, The Eight of Cups may signify a “yes.”

It encourages you to have the courage to seek emotional alignment and make choices that nurture your well-being.

On the other hand, if your query relates to clinging to the past or resisting change, The Eight of Cups may indicate a “no.” It urges you to confront any emotional barriers that hold you back and consider whether it’s time to release old patterns.

The Eight of Cups and Astrology

In astrology, The Eight of Cups is associated with the planet Saturn and the zodiac sign of Pisces.

Saturn, known for its influence on discipline and life lessons, emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and letting go of what no longer serves you.

Pisces, a water sign, brings emotional sensitivity and intuition, encouraging you to explore your deepest emotions and desires.

The combination of Saturn and Pisces in The Eight of Cups suggests a period of introspection and the need to confront emotional challenges. It may be time to release old patterns and embrace change to align with your true desires.

Furthermore, The Eight of Cups’ numerology is eight, representing strength and karmic balance. This reinforces the card’s message of courageously walking away from situations that hinder your growth.

The Eight of Cups Tarot Card and Numerology

In tarot, The Eight of Cups carries the numerological significance of the number eight. Numerology attributes certain qualities to each number, and for eight, it represents strength, power, and karmic balance.

The number eight indicates that you have the inner strength to confront emotional challenges and make significant changes in your life.

The Eight of Cups encourages you to tap into this strength and courageously let go of what no longer serves you. It may be time to walk away from situations or relationships that hinder your growth and emotional fulfillment.

The number eight also emphasizes the concept of karma, suggesting that your actions and choices have consequences.

By releasing emotional baggage and making positive changes, you can create a karmic balance and attract new opportunities aligned with your true desires.

The Eight of Cups as a Daily Card

When The Eight of Cups appears as your daily card in a tarot reading, it serves as a gentle reminder to pay attention to your emotions and be open to change.

This card suggests that today might be a day of self-reflection and letting go of what no longer serves you.

Take this opportunity to assess areas of your life where you feel unfulfilled or stagnant. It could be a relationship, job, or an emotional pattern that you’ve outgrown.

The Eight of Cups encourages you to find the courage to walk away from these situations and make room for new opportunities and emotional growth.

How to Interpret it as a Daily Card?

Interpreting The Eight of Cups as your daily tarot card involves focusing on emotional exploration and the potential for positive change.

Begin by considering any areas of your life where you might be feeling unfulfilled or emotionally disconnected. This card urges you to face these feelings head-on and be willing to let go of what no longer serves you.

Pay attention to your intuition and inner voice throughout the day. Listen to any emotional cues or hunches that arise, as they may guide you towards areas that need attention or change.

Use this day as an opportunity for self-reflection and introspection. Take time to journal your thoughts and feelings, allowing yourself to process any emotions that arise.

How it might Impact your Day?

The presence of The Eight of Cups in your daily tarot reading suggests that your emotions may play a significant role in shaping your day. You might find yourself feeling introspective and drawn to explore deeper emotional aspects of your life.

The impact of this card could lead you to reassess certain areas where you feel unfulfilled or disconnected. It might prompt you to consider whether it’s time to let go of situations or relationships that no longer serve your emotional well-being.

While The Eight of Cups can bring a sense of emotional intensity, it also presents an opportunity for positive change. Embrace this energy by being open to the potential for growth and transformation.

How to use The Eight of Cups in a Reading?

When The Eight of Cups appears in a tarot reading, it carries a powerful message of emotional exploration and the potential for positive change.

Use this card as a guide to help your querent navigate through challenging emotions and find the courage to release what no longer serves them.

Start by encouraging your querent to reflect on areas of their life where they feel unfulfilled or emotionally disconnected. This card indicates that it might be time to let go of situations or relationships that hinder their growth and well-being.

Guide them to trust their intuition and listen to their inner voice. Help them explore their feelings without judgment and be open to change.

How to use The Eight of Cups in a Love Reading?

In a love reading, The Eight of Cups holds valuable insights for understanding emotions and relationships.

When this card appears, it suggests that the querent may be experiencing a period of emotional detachment or dissatisfaction in their romantic life.

Guide the querent to explore their feelings honestly and encourage them to confront any emotional barriers that might be hindering their love life.

This card can serve as a prompt for them to reassess their current relationship or let go of past heartaches to make room for new beginnings.

Discuss the importance of self-care and emotional healing, urging them to prioritize their well-being in relationships. Emphasize the significance of self-love and knowing their worth in attracting healthier connections.

How to use The Eight of Cups in a Career Reading?

In a career reading, The Eight of Cups offers valuable insights into your professional journey. When this card appears, it suggests that you might be feeling unfulfilled or emotionally disconnected from your current job or career path.

Use this card as a prompt for self-reflection. Assess whether your current work aligns with your true passions and aspirations. The Eight of Cups encourages you to be honest about any feelings of stagnation or dissatisfaction.

Consider if it’s time to let go of what no longer serves your professional growth and explore new opportunities. This card urges you to be brave and make choices that nurture your emotional well-being in your career.

How to use The Eight of Cups in a Health Reading?

In a health reading, The Eight of Cups can offer valuable insights into your emotional well-being and its impact on your physical health. When this card appears, it suggests that emotional challenges might be affecting your overall health.

Use this card as an opportunity for self-reflection. Assess whether unresolved emotions or stress are contributing to any health issues you might be experiencing.

The Eight of Cups encourages you to address emotional blockages and prioritize self-care practices to nurture your emotional and physical health.

Consider whether it’s time to let go of any emotional baggage or negative patterns that hinder your well-being. Embrace change to create space for healing and growth.

The Eight of Cups in Relation to Other Cards

The Eight of Cups, when appearing alongside other tarot cards, adds depth and nuance to the reading. Its meaning can be influenced by the cards surrounding it.

Here are some key combinations:

  • Eight of Cups and The Lovers: This pairing suggests a significant decision in love or relationships. It may indicate the need to let go of a current partnership to pursue a deeper emotional connection.
  • Eight of Cups and The Tower: This combination signals a sudden and necessary change. It may indicate that upheaval is necessary to break free from emotional stagnation and embrace transformation.
  • Eight of Cups and The Hermit: This pairing encourages introspection and soul-searching. It may suggest a time of retreat and self-discovery to find emotional clarity and wisdom.
  • Eight of Cups and The Moon: This combination points to emotional confusion and the need to trust intuition. It may indicate the importance of facing subconscious fears to find emotional resolution.
  • Eight of Cups and The Wheel of Fortune: This pairing signifies a turning point in life. It suggests that letting go of the past and embracing change will lead to a favorable and destined outcome.

Complementary Cards

Complementary tarot cards enhance and support the message of The Eight of Cups, providing a more comprehensive reading.

These may include the:

  • The High Priestess: This card encourages you to listen to your intuition and explore your subconscious. It complements The Eight of Cups’ call for introspection and emotional clarity.
  • The Chariot: This pairing signifies the need to take control and direct your emotions towards a purposeful goal. It reinforces The Eight of Cups’ message of courageously pursuing change and growth.
  • Death: This card represents transformation and new beginnings. It complements The Eight of Cups’ idea of leaving the past behind and embracing a fresh emotional start.
  • The Star: This pairing brings hope and healing. It reinforces The Eight of Cups’ message of finding emotional resolution and moving towards a brighter future.
  • Ace of Cups: This card symbolizes emotional fulfillment and new opportunities for love and connection. It complements The Eight of Cups’ message of seeking emotional alignment and nurturing healthy relationships.

Contrasting Cards

Contrasting tarot cards offer a different perspective when paired with The Eight of Cups, adding complexity and depth to the reading. They present contrasting themes and challenges that can provide valuable insights into the querent’s emotional journey.

These may include the:

  • The Sun: This card radiates joy and optimism, in stark contrast to The Eight of Cups’ call for emotional exploration and introspection. It reminds you to find happiness within, even amidst difficult decisions.
  • The Devil: This card represents temptation and bondage, contrasting with The Eight of Cups’ message of letting go. It warns against being trapped by unhealthy attachments and the importance of breaking free.
  • The World: This pairing contrasts with The Eight of Cups’ call for change. The World signifies completion and achievement, suggesting that sometimes, emotional fulfillment can be found by staying the course.
  • Three of Cups: This card represents celebration and joyous connections with others, contrasting with The Eight of Cups’ theme of withdrawal. It emphasizes the importance of balancing solitude with meaningful social interactions.
  • Five of Cups: This card reflects grief and loss, contrasting with The Eight of Cups’ encouragement to move forward. It highlights the need to process and heal emotional wounds.


In conclusion, The Eight of Cups holds a profound message of emotional exploration and positive change.

It encourages you to confront any feelings of dissatisfaction or disconnect in your life and be brave enough to let go of what no longer serves you.

Through introspection and self-awareness, you can pave the way for a more fulfilling and authentic journey. Trust your intuition and inner strength to guide you towards new opportunities and emotional healing.

Whether in love, career, health, or spiritual aspects, The Eight of Cups reminds you to prioritize your emotional well-being and be open to transformation.

Embrace change as a catalyst for growth and trust that the universe has a higher purpose in store for you.


What does the Eight of Cups tarot card symbolize?

The Eight of Cups symbolizes the need for emotional growth and the willingness to leave behind what no longer serves us.

What does it mean when the Eight of Cups appears in a tarot reading?

When the Eight of Cups appears, it suggests that it is time to let go of a situation or relationship that is no longer fulfilling.

Does the Eight of Cups indicate a positive or negative outcome?

The Eight of Cups may initially seem negative, but it signifies a necessary journey towards personal growth and finding true happiness.

How can I interpret the Eight of Cups in a love reading?

In a love reading, the Eight of Cups suggests that it may be time to move on from a stagnant or unfulfilling relationship in order to find true love.

What actions should I take if the Eight of Cups appears in a career reading?

If the Eight of Cups appears in a career reading, it advises you to consider leaving a job or career path that no longer brings you joy or fulfillment.

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