March Birthstones: Aquamarine & Bloodstone | Color, Meaning & History

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The March birthstones, Aquamarine and Bloodstone, echo themes of calmness and vitality, embodying the essence of the season they herald.

These gemstones captivate with contrasting colors: one embodies the tranquil colors of a calm sea, while the other radiates a deep, earthy intensity.

Known for their unique attributes, they each carry distinct meanings and historical significance. Scroll down to discover more about these birthstones and what makes them special.

What is the Birthstone for March?

The birthstones for March are Aquamarine and Bloodstone. They each offer unique characteristics and historical significance, enriching the month with contrasting hues and attributes.

Aquamarine is known for bringing calm and courage. Historically, people used it for safety during travel. Bloodstone, on the other hand, is linked to vitality and endurance. It was used in the past as a protective charm against danger.

Overview of March Birthstones

Attribute Aquamarine Bloodstone
Color Pale to deep blue Deep green with red spots
Symbolism Symbolizes calmness, emotional balance Represents vitality, strength, endurance
Origins Brazil, Madagascar, Russia India, Brazil, Australia
Tarot Cards & Angel Numbers Connection The Moon Tarot Card with Angel Numbers 3 and 9 highlight its calming nature The Tower Tarot Card emphasizes stability strengthening qualities with Angel Numbers 4 and 8
Numerology Number 1 for new beginnings Number 4 for stability and grounding
Zodiac Signs Pisces, Aries 

Disclaimer: This table is a creative blend of astrology, numerology, and tarot, and may not align with traditional teachings of these systems.

March Birthstone Color

March’s birthstones, Aquamarine and Bloodstone, offer a rich tapestry of color, meaning, and history. While Aquamarine enchants with its calming blue shades, Bloodstone intrigues with its complex green and red palette.

Both stones bring their own unique qualities to the table, making them compelling choices for those born in this transitional month.

We’ve unveiled the distinct characteristics and color significances that make the March birthstones special:


  • Color: Known for its shades that vary from pale blue to deep azure, this gem’s color is reminiscent of tranquil waters.
  • Meaning in Color: The color of Aquamarine is often linked with calmness, clarity, and emotional balance.


  • Color: This unique gem is primarily deep green but is set apart by its vivid red inclusions, giving it a striking appearance.
  • Meaning in Color: The rich green and red hues of Bloodstone are often associated with vitality, strength, and endurance.

First Birthstone for March: Aquamarine

The first birthstone for March is Aquamarine, a gemstone celebrated for its soothing blue hues, which range from pale to deep azure. This captivating stone is often associated with qualities of calmness and emotional balance.

Historically, it has been a symbol of safety for sailors and a talisman for good health. Its calming color and rich history make Aquamarine a meaningful gem for those born in the month that bridges winter and spring.

Source: Istockphoto. Aquamarine Birthstone
Source: Istockphoto. Aquamarine Birthstone

The Meaning and History of Aquamarine Birthstone

The meaning and history of Aquamarine reach far and wide, carrying layers of cultural and emotional significance. This gemstone’s soothing blue color is often tied to feelings of tranquility and emotional well-being.

Historically, Aquamarine has served various purposes: it was a protective talisman for sailors and was thought to have healing properties.

This blend of aesthetic allure and meaningful history makes the Aquamarine birthstone deeply resonant for those born in March.

Where is Aquamarine Found?

Aquamarine is a globally cherished gemstone, primarily sourced from regions rich in mineral deposits. Notable locations include Brazil, which is renowned for its high-quality specimens, as well as countries in Africa such as Madagascar and Nigeria.

Other sources include Russia and Pakistan. The geographical diversity in its sourcing adds an extra layer of intrigue to this already captivating stone, making it a truly international gem associated with March birthdays.

How to Buy Aquamarine Jewelry?

When considering Aquamarine in jewelry, factors such as color, clarity, and cut are paramount. A prized Aquamarine features a deep, clear blue hue and high transparency.

Typically set in rings, necklaces, or earrings, this gemstone pairs well with both gold and silver settings.

Certification for quality and ethical sourcing can also be crucial. With its blend of aesthetic appeal and meaningful symbolism, Aquamarine jewelry offers a timeless choice for those seeking elegance and emotional resonance.

Aquamarine Care and Cleaning

Caring for Aquamarine jewelry involves simple yet important steps to maintain its luster and value. Generally, this gemstone is durable but should avoid exposure to harsh chemicals and extreme heat.

Gentle cleaning with warm soapy water and a soft brush is usually sufficient to keep it sparkling.

Proper storage is also key; a soft pouch or separate compartment in a jewelry box can prevent scratches. These care measures ensure that the beauty and significance of Aquamarine remain intact over time.

Second Birthstone for March: Bloodstone

The second birthstone for March is Bloodstone, a unique and compelling gem known for its deep green color punctuated by vivid red spots. This striking appearance has made it a symbol of vitality, strength, and endurance for centuries.

Historically, Bloodstone has served as both a talisman for protection and a physical aid, often believed to have healing properties.

Its rich symbolism and historical relevance make it a captivating choice for those born in the transitional month of March.

Source: Istockphoto. Bloodstone Birthstone
Source: Istockphoto. Bloodstone Birthstone

The Meaning and History of Bloodstone Birthstone

The meaning and history of Bloodstone are rich and complex, deeply tied to its unique appearance. This gem has long been associated with vitality and endurance, serving historically as a protective charm and health remedy.

In ancient times, it was even thought to have mystical properties, like the ability to stop bleeding. This blend of visual allure and historical depth makes the Bloodstone birthstone an intriguing and meaningful option for those with March birthdays.

Where is Bloodstone Found?

Bloodstone is primarily found in regions known for their rich mineral deposits, such as India, Brazil, and Australia. Other sources include Madagascar and the United States.

This geographical range adds an element of global appeal to this already intriguing gemstone.

Its widespread availability across continents makes Bloodstone a cosmopolitan choice, deeply resonant for those born in the diverse and transitional month of March.

How to Buy Bloodstone Jewelry?

When purchasing Bloodstone jewelry, key factors like color quality, red spot distribution, and overall appearance should be considered.

This gemstone is often set in rings, pendants, or bracelets and is commonly paired with silver or gold settings. Ensuring quality through certification and understanding the stone’s origin are also crucial steps.

With its potent symbolism and historical depth, Bloodstone jewelry offers a distinctive and meaningful option for those in search of something special.

Bloodstone Care and Cleaning

Maintaining Bloodstone’s beauty involves straightforward but essential care steps. The stone is relatively hardy but should be kept away from chemicals and abrasive materials.

A simple cleaning with warm, soapy water and a soft brush is usually adequate to keep it looking its best.

Proper storage in a soft pouch or separate compartment can help avoid scratches. These care practices help preserve both the aesthetic and symbolic value of Bloodstone over time.


In summary, March boasts two remarkable birthstones: Aquamarine and Bloodstone. Each offers a unique blend of color, meaning, and history.

Aquamarine captivates with its tranquil blue hues and associations with calmness, while Bloodstone intrigues with its vivid green and red colors, symbolizing vitality and endurance.

Both gems have been cherished across time and cultures, making them rich in symbolism and ideal for those born in this transitional month. Their contrasting allure adds a fascinating dimension to March’s birthstone narrative.

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