Do you hit the snooze button at least three times before rising? Skip breakfast to get a few more minutes in bed? Multi-task by brushing your teeth in the shower? Or go to bed dressed in your clothes for the next day?
According to new research by MOMA, you’re not alone. The breakfast specialists are on a mission to shake the nation out of hibernation to embrace mornings (… good luck!).
How do they intend to do it? By claiming that “4.6 million Brits believe that not being a morning person has a negative impact on their career”.
In a nutshell, your career advancement at stake – unless you pack in those wholegrain jumbo oats… and there’s nothing like an endorsement from a behavioural psychologist to drill the message home.

Jo Hemmings, the celebrity Psychologist and UK’s original Dating Coach, lends her top tips for becoming a morning person in just 15 minutes…
1. Morning is the best time of the day to have sex. Not only does it boost your immune system and release oxytocin to make you more relaxed but a quickie in the morning will set you up for the day!
2. Get that heart beating and feel-good hormones flowing with just 5 minutes of stretching, which will start to release serotonin (the happy hormone) as well as cortisol (the de-stressing hormone). Science has shown that just 5 days of doing this will make your outlook more positive.
3. Programme your phone alarm to play your fave feel-good song that will make you want to start throwing some shapes.
4. Once you’ve got that piece of happy music programmed in your phone, don’t press the snooze button as those minutes when you fall back to sleep again can make us the most tired – and groggy – of all. Remember if you snooze, you lose!
5. Wear something yellow in bed – it’s the colour of fun, happiness and playfulness. It’s tough to be grumpy wearing yellow. And if jim-jams aren’t your thing, have your morning brew in a yellow cup or use a yellow towel to keep the invigoration of that shower going.
6. Have an easy to make (or ready-made) breakfast on hand that you look forward to. Oats are a brilliantly balanced breakfast choice – filling, nutritious and full of energy to get you going first thing and fuel you all through the morning.
7. Unless you absolutely have to, don’t put the alarm on over the weekend. The sheer anticipation of deferred reward is part of becoming a morning person. You’ve got a maximum of 5 alarms, until you can have a couple of lie ins. Not so bad as long as the kids give you a few extra minutes too!
8. Don’t punish your system, if you find mornings difficult, simply shave off 3 minutes each weekday morning over a period of two weeks. You’ll be getting up just half an hour earlier then, feeling more refreshed and you’ll hardly notice the ‘pain’.
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