What’s in your fridge… Leo Savage

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Meet Leo Savage, an ex rugby player turned personal trainer at Third Space. Want to know what’s in his fridge? Of course you do. Beneath the mountains of Tupperware there’s some Lindt chocolate in there somewhere. Dark chocolate of course…

What do you have in your fridge?

Because my flat mate is also a trainer, the fridge can look like a Tupperware collection at times, especially the start of the week! Generally, there is a variety of meat and fish that has either been cooked for lunches/dinners, fresh vegetables, almond milk (a lot of it!) and Greek yoghurt for smoothies and Lindt dark chocolate (sea salt or caramel salt flavours!).

When/where do you do your weekly shop?

There’s a Sainsbury’s right at the end of my road, so I get all of my main bits from here every Sunday. Due to the nature of the job being a trainer, there are a lot of early mornings and late nights each day, with sessions in between. I find there is no time other than a Sunday to get this in.

How much do you typically spend?

I tend to spend between £40 – £50 each Sunday, that will last me until the following Thursday, with a few bits on Friday and Saturday to top up the week.

Do you prep all of your meals? If so, how long does it take?

I do prep the majority of my meals on a Sunday, to last me till the following Thursday. I’m a bit of a regular on Instagram every Sunday with all of my meal prepping going on my stories! Usually taking somewhere between 2-3 hours at the end of the day.

Do you have cheat days? What is your guilty pleasure?

I don’t have cheat days, but because I know I am quite disciplined in the main meals I have and what I am consuming most of the time, I don’t feel guilty when I get offered a little snack or if I feel like something sweet. I am definitely open to trying all varieties of Lindt dark chocolate!

Can you send us a pic of your fridge?

Photo: Leo Savage

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