Why Bouncing is so good for you

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When my sister’s not dealing with multi-million pound construction matters, she entertains a curious pastime. Bouncing.

What started as a fairly normal childhood activity, developed into an obsessive ritual in later life, earning her the family nickname “bouncing queen”.

Two trampolines, three rebounders and countless springs later, I was convinced she was the sole party keeping Supertramp in business.

Now (thanks to a certain John Lewis ad) sales of trampolines are soaring and dedicated trampoline parks are opening across the country. Bouncing, it seems, is big business.

It does wonders for your wellbeing too. Described by NASA as ‘the most efficient form of exercise yet devised by man’, three times more effective than running.

My sister was definitely on to something…

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But improving cardiovascular fitness is just one of the many health benefits. According to FlipOut, bouncing on the spot improves balance and coordination for the entire body. It even helps the brain to build synapses and neural pathways.

Repetitive bouncing puts small amounts of stress on your bones. Over time, this compresses bones and makes them denser, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

It’s low impact too. While pounding pavements can put strain on your back, lower limbs and joints. Trampolines are soft. They absorb impact and can take up to 80% of the stress off weight-bearing joints.

Most importantly, the constant change in gravitational pressure kick starts the lymphatic system that carries nutrients to your cells. Recent research has shown that trampolining increases lymph flow by as much as 15 times!

So if you’re ever feeling sluggish with stagnant energy, you know what to do. I’ve found it to be an excellent hangover cure.

According to the trainers at Rebound UK, it does wonders for your deep core and pelvic floor muscles too.

Feeling convinced?

If you like to bounce freestyle with a group of friends, head to FlipOut in Wandsworth or Oxygen in Acton. Trampoline playgrounds for adults. (Those grippy socks will come in very handy for your Pilates class too – just saying!)

But a word of warning to the accident prone – bounce at your own risk. Nothing will wipe that smile off your face quite like a sprained ankle or a split lip. I know from experience… (at my sister’s 30th birthday party, obviously).

If you prefer to bounce to a beat in a studio, try a rebounding class at Slice in Putney. Frame in Shoreditch, Queens Park, King’s Cross or Victoria. Off The Rails in Clapham. Bounce in multiple locations across London, or Boogie Bounce in Leyton.

These exhilarating classes set to music, mix dance choreography with explosive squats, twists and lunges to leave you buzzing while toning your muscles in the process.

If bouncing up and down in a room full of strangers isn’t your thing, invest in a Rebounder and sign up to Bounce & Burn. A monthly subscription with over 50 workouts to choose from, that allows you to bounce in the privacy of your own home.

Just maybe warn the neighbours first.

By Hettie

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